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tools & resources

In my role at the K12 Lab Network, I am constantly thinking about what tools & resources we can create to help educators take design thinking or maker education back to their classrooms. I also create tools to help encourage the growing movement of educators that continues to converged on design thinking as a pedagogical strategy in their classrooms.

Sparktruck resources

Below are the SparkTruck maker tool cards I helped to develop. The tool cards feature curated Instructables projects for each tool.

Browse our pedagogical frameworks &lesson planning tools -- designed to help educators plan open-ended maker-based lessons.

sparktruck technical tool orientation materials

I compiled & developed a series of tutorials & instructions to train students on how to use the tools on the SparkTruck. These are shareable resources, but are primarily designed to accompany an in-person training.

d.home team tools

Click below to check out examples of tools I designed & created to support the content we developed for our design thinking professional development workshops with the d.home team.